Friday, April 29, 2016

A Coded Lunch

Message encoded
Decoded:  "Marie, I hope you can read this.  You are incredibly weird!"

Today she looked at me and just shook her head when she saw this.  She said she would decode it when she got to school.

- Stay weird my friends.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

She's the weird one.

Just plain, "Weird".
We have always had fun arguing over who is more weird.  Today, I thought I would remind her.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Upside down!

Updside down message.
An upside down message for my daughter.  I told her today that I wanted to know her friends' reactions.

"This message is upside down.  Please take all the time you need to read this because I don't want you to hurt yourself and have to see a doctor or go to the hospital because you hurt your neck.  Enjoy your day."

Stay weird my friends.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

It's her BIRTHDAY!

How could I not give my daughter some birthday lunch weirdness for her birthday?

Birthday lunch weirdness
"MARIE is 13".  Wow!  OMG!  Holy Cow!, Amazing!  Awesome! Woo Hoo! Yay!
Be weird, my friends.

How it began


This all started when my wife asked me to start making the lunches for our children.  We have four, plus our nephew so making lunch is quite a large endeavor.  When she was done making the lunches, my wife would label the bags with each kids initials.  The labeling would be as follows:

"J" = Joey
"M" = Matt
"D" = Dan
"E" = Eric
"Marie" = Marie

As you can see we could not use an "M" for Marie's bag because it had been used for my other son.

What the bags normally look like
What the lunch bags normally look like.

So when I started making the lunches I labeled them the same way... for awhile.

One day Marie started calling me a "Weirdo".  I knew she was just kidding around, so I threw it right back at her, calling her "More weird".  It would go back and forth until one of us would give up, then we would both laugh about it.

So one morning I labeled her bag with a "W". She immediately picked up on this and of course, we both laughed about it.  Soon it evolved into me labeling her lunch bag with the following:


When she didn't know what it meant, so I told her it stood for, "Marie, the Weirdest of the Weird".  She laughed, of course and took it to school.  This started a tradition of me writing weird stuff on her lunch bag. 

So recently Marie came home from school and told me that her friends were incredibly disappointed.  She showed up to school with a lunch bag labeled, "Marie" because mom had made her lunch that morning, not me.  No weird letters on her lunch bag.

So yesterday I made up this:
Lunch just got a lot more weird!
Hi.  I"m Marie's lunch bag.  I carry a tastey (sic) and nutritional lunch which Marie will eat. (At least I hope so)  It is my sincerest wish that this lunch will give Marie the nutrition she needs to be really REALLY WEIRD!!!  TTFN

And so it begins.

Stay weird, my friends.